News from ST at GU December 2022
Publicerad: 2022-12-27
Nyhet In the last newsletter of the year, you can read about the latest news from the salary negotiations, the new salaries for doctoral students, and updated guidelines for remote work. We also report that the dismissal of one of the GU section's members is being legally tried in the Labor Court.
"Fika" with the union and annual meeting 2023
"Fika"/Coffee with the union starts again on February 1 at ST's office at Karl Gustavsgatan 12B, floor 4. Fika with the union is open to both members and others, so feel free to invite a colleague or several. The spring dates are also advertised on our website, under "Aktuellt". Scheduled occasions so far:
- Wednesday, February 1, 4 pm – 5.30 pm
- Wednesday, March 1, 4 pm – 5:30 pm
- Wednesday, April 5, 4 pm – 5.30 pm.
The annual meeting for all members will be held on March 22 at 11.30 am – 1 pm at Pilgatan 19 (Samfak), room K002. A light lunch will be served. More information will be included in the notice no later than one month before the meeting and will also be published on the section's website.
Dismissal of professor is tried in the Swedish Labour Court
During the summer, one of the ST section's professors was dismissed due to a shortage of work. Throughout the process, the section disagreed with the employer regarding the dismissal of the professor, including the employer's refusal to reassign the member to vacant lectureship. ST has pursued the dispute further at the central level and in early February next year, deliberations will begin in the Swedish Labour Court on whether GU's relocation offer was reasonable or not.
Latest news before the salary negotiations
Negotiations on new salaries from 1 October 2022 will start on February 20 and are expected to be completed by mid-April. If all goes according to plan, new and retroactive salary will be paid from May. We have extended the response time to our salary survey, so if you have not yet filled this out, you have until January 31. Don't miss this opportunity!
Doctoral student salaries are fully negotiated
New salaries for doctoral students from October 1, 2022 are ready, negotiations concluded on December 2. The new and retroactive salaries of doctoral students will be paid no later than March. The outcome of the negotiations was about 1.8 percent at the collective level, but the percentage varies between different stages.
Here you can see the new salaries for doctoral students.
New working hours agreement for teachers will take effect on January 1
The new working hours agreement for teachers will take effect from January 1, and many departments have revised their policies accordingly. All teachers should be informed no later than two weeks before the end of the year what the first half of 2023 looks like. Get in touch with us in the section board ( if you have not been told this, or if you have other questions about the agreement and how it is applied at your workplace.The section board, together with other unions, will monitor that the agreement is followed locally. More information will be available during the spring.
Updated guidelines for remote work
At "Fika" with the Union on December 14, interested members participated to discuss GU's updated guidelines for remote work. It emerged that the interpretation of the guidelines still varies within the organization. ST continues to monitor the implementation of the guidelines, so please contact us if you have questions and comments regarding how they are interpreted and used in your workplace (
Read GU's guidelines (Swedish only): Guidelines regarding teleworking GU 2022-3329.
On the Staff Portal you can see the results of GU's survey regarding remote work (Swedish only): Teleworking – Staff Portal (
Survey on psychosocial and organizational work environment
GU's survey on psychosocial and organizational work environment – ARK – is carried out every three years at all workplaces within GU. In 2023, it's time for ARK II, and we encourage everyone to participate in the survey and take the opportunity to influence your local work environment. The survey is open from week 3 to week 5.
Read more about ARK: ARK – Staff Portal (
New term for Health and Safety Representatives 2023–25
On January 1, a new term of office for health and safety representatives (AMOs and HAMOs) will begin at GU. If you have been elected as AMO/HAMO, you must register yourself via the web form on the Staff Portal: Report AMO/HAMO – Staff Portal ( The processing of registered AMO/HAMO is delayed due to technical problems, but the unions and the human resources unit are working together to resolve it as soon as possible.
Have you forgotten to change your payment method?
Since December 1, you can no longer pay the union fee to ST via salary deductions. If you have not changed to direct debit or e-invoice, you will therefore receive a paper invoice from ST instead. It is important that you pay this so that you do not risk involuntarily leaving the union. If you have any questions about your membership fee, you can contact ST Direkt on 0771–555 444 or