News from ST at GU September 2022
Publicerad: 2022-09-26
Nyhet In this newsletter from the ST section, you can read about salary negotiations, practices regarding remote work, the new working hours agreement for teachers, the election of health and safety representatives, and the welcoming of doctoral students and other new employees.
Fika with the union
We will continue with Fika with the union – now physically at ST's office: Karl Gustavsgatan 12B, floor 4. Fika (coffee) with the union is open to both members and others, so feel free to invite your colleagues. Dates and themes are also advertised on our website, under "Aktuellt":
- Wednesday 5 October at 16.00–17.30. Theme: Discuss salary with us!
- Wednesday 2 November at 16.00–17.30. Theme: Working conditions for doctoral students
- Wednesday 14 December, 16.00–17.30. Theme: Sustainable working life – remote work
Member meetings
During the autumn, we intend to invite you to member meetings at some of the faculties. Do you have an important issue that you would like us to address in your workplace? Feel free to contact the section board ( so we can discuss further and call a meeting.
Your salary – learn more about ST's negotiation model
The autumn term involves a new round of salary negotiations at GU. Do you need to be reminded of how salaries are set for you as an ST member? Do you have questions about, for example, salary discussions and how the negotiations work? We will inform and answer questions about salary and our negotiation model on three different occasions during week 40:
- Monday 3 October at 8.15–9.00 (digital, Zoom link, GU login required)
- Wednesday 5 October at 16.00–17.00 (Coffee with the union at ST's office)
- Friday 7 October at 12.30–13.30 (digital, Zoom link, GU login required)
The discussions above will be held in Swedish. If you want us to arrange a meeting in English, please let us know:!
Finish on time – workshop for doctoral students
In December, it is finally time to resume our popular workshop for doctoral students: "Finish on time – a toolbox for increased academic productivity". Participants learn three tools for academic productivity: the 80/20 principle, end product focus, and the unit method. Åsa Burman, Docent in practical philosophy at Stockholm University, leads the workshop. More information and registration can be found here.
Monitoring remote work opportunities
After a couple of years of remote work due to the pandemic, we are now back on campus. However, the possibility of remote work remains, according to the guidelines decided at GU. These guidelines will be evaluated during the autumn and the unions will participate in this work. The section board and the health and safety representatives will capture experiences from our members at GU, so that we can ensure that there are not unjustifiably large differences between different workplaces and individuals.
Further discussion on the working time agreement for teachers
The new working time agreement for teachers will enter into force from January next year. During the autumn, the discussion between the unions and the employer at GU will continue concerning the application of the agreement, the distribution of different tasks, the design of work task plans, etc. Feel free to contact us in the section board ( if you have questions about the agreement. More information will be available during the autumn.
Change payment so you don't accidentally leave the union!
From December, you can no longer pay the union fee to ST via salary deductions. Everyone who does this must change payment method to direct debit or e-invoice. Read more about how to change.
Do you want to become a health and safety representative at GU?
This autumn it is time for new elections/re-election of our health and safety representatives. The work environment is one of the most important trade union issues at GU. If you are interested, please contact your local health and safety representative, and find out if it is an assignment that may suit you. The assignment lasts for three years, from January 2023 to December 2025.
Get involved in union work
Much of what we take for granted has been carried through by unions at the national and local level – job security, holidays, parental leave are just a few examples. Do you want to contribute to making GU a better workplace? To be a union representative is rewarding in many ways – you get the opportunity to contribute to better conditions and work environment for you and your colleagues, you get insight into the organization, and you learn a lot about the university. Contact us at to talk further.
How can the union be part of the solution to the climate crisis?
If you are curious about the union's role in climate change, you can participate in a study circle with ST within GU. Contact us at to register your interest and learn more.